Saturday, February 04, 2006

Don't just love your friends, let them know

While, I had a really rough day, I worked my butt off cleaning my house then rushed to the gym. I'm about ready to call it a night. This card I made for my friend Crystal and her hubby Sam. I love making cards for my favorite couples. People tend to forget their friends in this time of love because they don't know how to express their feeling without it being interpreted the wrong way. So this is what I wrote in the card Hey Girl, remember when you got back from Okinawa, Japan after being gone for a year. Keita and I came to pick you up at LAX. We were so happy, the joy we felt was unmeasureable, we were so happy to have you back with us. We've been through alot, sand storms in Kuwait, bomb scares, bunkers, 22 hr flights to and back and yet I would not change a thing, because having you as a friend was worth every struggle and every painful moment. You're my girl, I love you like a sister,Toy. everyone needs to hear the words of love from your month or read it, life is too short. Love more.