Thursday, April 13, 2006

The Spotlight is on You

Yesterday was one of the best days I had in a long time. I got up in the morning feeling powerful, the type of feeling where you know you can handle anything that life may throw your way. I had a great day at work, I got a few positive compliments, I met a new coworker and we had a fabulous going away lunch for another. I spend about 2 hours in target and I spend another 3 hours connecting with my family both overseas and here in the US. The day was just plain glorious. You see the banner at the top of my blog, I want to change it put I keep telling myself over and over again that maybe if visitors to my blog read the words at least once per week, the affirmation will subconsciously help them to be more positive toward their life and other people around them. I don't just say it, I live it, and try to pass it on.... some days I succeed and somedays I don't. However, yesterday I read two things that really tripped me out. I logged on to Lu's website and read the quote she posted called Believe big, immediately I got goosebumps, I really wish I could get that quote as a rub on, I would love to put it on a coffee mug or something. Thanks lu Tamika, your mission statement touched me girl. I was so impressed by your words and how you choose to take a positive look on all the negativity in the scrapbooking industry. It is just plain depressing and you are right, more and more we are reading of how people will do almost anything to get a name for themselves, very heartbreaking. Ladies, your words and art adds wealth to my day, it remains me to be more grateful and more positive because there is so much beauty left in the world It's not about me, it's all about you, keep on bringing it!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Girl...lovin this entry today. And I LOVE the quote on Lu's blog! Great stuff!!!

9:40 AM  
Blogger Lu said...

Listen to you, T!! That quote transformed my thinking and as a result, I changed my blog name and I started brainstorming like crazy. I have plans for those two little words!

10:17 AM  
Blogger Tamika said...

I love to look at every encounter as a positive experience. Even when someone is being negative I see it as God's way of testing me. I try not to let anyone dictate my mood or behavior, that is giving other's my power. But with that said I see people like you , Adrienne, Stephanie, Lisa, Tiffany (just to name a few) as positive reinforncements in my daily life. I look forward to hearing from you every day -it helps to keep life in perspective. It is comforting that we are linked through a common interest all across the country. It defintely streghtens the bonds of womanhood across all lines and helps to make my journey through life all the more meaningful. Now all we need is a theme song!:)

11:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love that you have been holding on to your banner for the good of others. Doesn't Lu have the greatest quotes... thats for pointing this one out because I somehow missed that post. Thanks T... great post

1:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is something to be said about "bloggin"...I truly enjoy reading everyone's blog. I believe there is inspiration in all of them, and it's not just scrapbooking either. There is so much more. I absolutley love Lu's quote as well as Tamika's mission statement, and yes being positive sure makes a difference in this crazy world of ours. so thanks for taking the time to post! :-)

11:09 PM  

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