Vanity Proclaimation
I create
because it makes me happy and I can use all the happiness I can get.
because at 4 in the morning, I have the most creative energy.
because I love myself and care how I represent myself to others, you will know the real me, unsensored, no preconceived ideas required.
because it pleases my family, it bring them joy and it makes them want to get together more.
because I learn about myself more and it always amazes me to know, "I did that".
because I love to share art, I want people to feel inspired and I know it has to start from within me.
because God creates beautiful things, I am a vessel of God, shouldn't I do the same?
because at the end of my days, I want someone to know who was behind the camera and who loved them without knowing them, enough to preserve their heritage.
If it is Vain to scrap about yourself, then vain I am, you can't love others without truly loving yourself,,, you can't capture the life of others, if you don't appreciate your own life.
Just something to think about.
Very, very, very, very, VERY WELL SAID! And that is one AWESOME PICTURE!!!!!!
there is no shame in scrapping yourself. more people should do it. gets on my last nerve when women say they are not good enough to scrap about, but they can do 3,000 LOs about their one child. Come on. You are important, otherwise, that child would not love you as they do.
Keep scrappin' yourself.
oh beautifully said. and since we are only qualified to tell our stories we should scrap ourselves
Girl, you are right on! Not vainat all, in fact that is one of my new things that I really enjoy, I have recently learned to appreciate myself more and not be ashamed or afraid to take my own photo and scrap it. It seems to give me some insight into ME!
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